Welcome to Indico Global!

16–18 Oct 2018
Lund university
Europe/Stockholm timezone
See you at Partikeldagarna in Lund on Tuesday!

Accommodation information

Rooms can be booked at the Lund University Guest House

We have made a pre-booking according to the numbers we received in the pre-registration, and rooms are available on a first-come first-serve basis. 

If you want to book a room in the University guest house, you should pay 672 SEK extra per night. The total fee to be paid depends on whether you book a room and it is specified in the Payment Information page. 

Please wait until your registration is complete to make the payment (you will receive an e-mail from indico). The e-mail subject will be: 

[Indico] Registration completed for Partikeldagarna 2018 + Discussion Session on the Swedish Input to the European Strategy of Particle Physics

This is so that in case of overbooking we can get in touch with you and give precedence to students and postdocs. 

After your conference + room booking is approved, the registration is binding and participants have to pay the room fees together with the registration.

A list of Lund hotels can be found on the VisitLund website: https://visitlund.se/en/stay/