16–18 Oct 2018
Lund university
Europe/Stockholm timezone
See you at Partikeldagarna in Lund on Tuesday!

MAX IV - status and brief inside view (12'+3')

16 Oct 2018, 14:30
Lundmarksalen (Lund university)


Lund university

Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, Lund University, Sölvegatan 27, Lund


Bernhard Meirose (MAX IV)


The MAX IV Laboratory in Lund is the largest and most ambitious Swedish investment in national research infrastructure. Hosted by Lund University, MAX IV is the brightest source of x-rays worldwide. In this talk I give a brief overview of the status of the laboratory, giving also an inside view of the daily work that is done to keep the linear accelerator and storage rings running 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I conclude with a quick glance at current and future opportunities at the facility.


Presentation materials