Welcome to Indico Global!

16–18 Oct 2018
Lund university
Europe/Stockholm timezone
See you at Partikeldagarna in Lund on Tuesday!

Partikeldagarna 2018 will be held at Lund University on 16-17th of October 2018. The workshop is organized by the Particle and Astroparticle Physics Section of the Swedish Physical Society (Fysikersamfundet). The workshop starts on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. (registration with coffee) and ends on Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. The aim of the meeting is to have a status report and a professional discussion of current particle and astroparticle physics research in Sweden.

Partikeldagarna 2018 will follow the same structure as previous years, with a mix of talks given by individual (preferably young) researchers presenting their work, group reports and summaries from funding agencies and international organizations where Sweden is represented.

There will also be invited speakers covering hot topics in particle and astroparticle physics: one of our confirmed invited speakers is Dr. Yannis Papaphilippou from CERN with a talk about the CERN research plans from the accelerator perspective. Our second confirmed invited speaker is Prof. Anna Scaife from the University of Manchester, who will talk about challenges in data processing and handling at the SKA telescope.

There will also be a public lecture (in Swedish) on the scientific achievements of Stephen Hawking, given by Ulf Danielsson and scheduled for Tuesday afternoon at 17:00. It will be followed by a social dinner at Siriusordens Restaurang in the center of Lund, catered by Kockomat.

After Partikeldagarna 2018, there will be a satellite meeting devoted to the compilation of the Swedish input to the European Strategy of Particle Physics, on Thursday 18th of October. This is a follow-up of the first meeting which took place in Uppsala earlier this year [agenda] Internet access is available through the eduroam wireless network.

Dates for Partikeldagarna: from 16 October 2018 9:30 to 17 October 2018 17:15

Registration and abstract submission deadline: from August 24th to September 20th. In order to submit an abstract and register, you will have to use a CERN Indico account.

Payment: 500 SEK for meeting (including coffee breaks) and 570 SEK for the social dinner.

Accommodation: rooms can be booked at the University Guest House for 672 SEK/night, but this needs to be specified on the registration form. We have made a pre-booking according to the numbers we received in the pre-registration, and rooms are available on a first-come first-serve basis. Please wait until your registration is complete to make the payment (you will receive an e-mail from indico), so that in case of overbooking we can get in touch with you and give precedence to students and postdocs. After your conference + room booking is approved, the registration is binding and participants have to pay the room fees together with the registration.

At the end of August, we will make a list of suggested hotels available on this agenda page. 

Date for the Swedish Input to the European Strategy of Particle Physics: 
18 October 2018, 9:00-17:00 

Other notes: Partikeldagarna is organised just after an ATLAS-Sweden day on October 15, tick the corresponding box in the registration page if you intend to join the ATLAS day.

Location: Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, Lund University,
Sölvegatan 27, Lund

Room: Lundmarksalen

Local Organizers: Caterina Doglioni, Roman Pasechnik

Lund university
Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, Lund University, Sölvegatan 27, Lund