Jul 8 – 12, 2024
Fiesta Americana
America/Mexico_City timezone

Tribute to Manuel Sandoval Vallarta

On the 125th anniversary of his birth, for his contributions to the physics of cosmic rays and as a pioneer of Mexican and Latin American physics.

Date and Time: 12 July 2024, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

YouTube: hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpcLm5MvDks

Manuel Sandoval Vallarta was:
  • Father of the nuclear science in Mexico
  • Pioneer of Mexican and Latin American physics
  • Pupil of the famous physicists Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Erwin Schrödinger and Max von Laue.
  • One of the founders members of “El Colegio Nacional” (Mexican National College) in 1943.
  • Developer of the Lemaître-Vallarta theory, which is very important for cosmic rays and for which he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1935.
  • Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur (France, 1952) and National Prize for Exact Sciences (Mexico, 1961)
  • B.S. in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1921; doctorate from MIT in 1924
  • Mentor of Richard Feynman (Nobel Prize winner in Physics 1965) and co-author of Feynman's first scientific publication.
  • Classmate of Robert J. Oppenheimer in 1940
  • And many more. 


  • Prof. Takaaki Kajita (Chair of the Astroparticle commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, IUPAP; Nobel Prize - 2015)

  • Prof. Sunil Gupta (Tata Institute for Fundamental Research and Chair of the International Advisory Committee of ISVHECRI 2024)

  • Dra. Mildred Quintana (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosi), on behalf of Dr. Julio G. Mendoza Álvarez (President of the Sociedad Mexicana de Física)
  • Dr. Luis Felipe Rodríguez Jorge (Member of El Colegio Nacional of México)
  • Dr. Ibrahim D. Torres Aguilar (Mexican leader of the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory or SWGO); representative of Dra. Maria M. González Sánchez and Dr. Andrés Sandoval Espinosa, spokesperson and leader of the CONAHCyT National Laboratory High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC) respectively
  • Dr. José Francisco Valdés Galicia (Coordinator of the University Space programme,  UNAM)
  • Dr. José Guillermo Vallarta Plata (Grandnephew of Manuel Sandoval Vallarta)
  • Registered participants of ISVHECRI 2024.


  • Dr. Eduardo de la Fuente Acosta (Universidad de Guadalajara and Convener of the local organizing committee)
  • Dra. Karen S. Caballero Mora (Mexican representative of Pierre Auger Collaboration and Co-convener of the local organizing committee)



[1] F. del Río Haza (2024), Destellos del cosmos. Ensayo biográfico sobre Manuel Sandoval Vallarta, El Colegio Nacional (libroscolnal), https://libroscolnal.com/products/destellos-del-cosmos-ensayo-biografico-sobre-manuel-sandoval-vallarta

[2] M. de la Paz Ramos Lara (1999), La Física en México. Homenaje a José Antonio Alzate y Manuel Sandoval Vallarta, Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Física, 13, 157-165

[3] Hockey, T. (2014). Sandoval Vallarta, Manuel. In: Hockey, T., et al. Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-9917-7_9151

[4] Lemaître, G., Vallarta, M. S. (1933). On Compton's Latitude Effect of Cosmic Radiation, Physical Review, 43:2, pp. 87–91.

[5] G. Mateos, and A. Minor (2013), La red internacional de rayos cósmicos, Manuel Sandoval Vallarta, History of the Philosophy of Physics Revista Mexicana de Física E, 59, 148-155 (2013) 148–155

[6] Ramos-Lara, M.d.l., Carreón-Vázquez, G., Acatitla-Romero, E. et al. (2022), Mapping Manuel Sandoval Vallarta (1899–1977) Scientific Contribution. Foundations of Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10699-022-09872-y