- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
A satellite event of BSBF, Tuesday 1st of October 9h15-14h, will address “The role of Academia and Industry to inspire the next STEM generation”, with the aim to explore and valorise the potential of the impact of research-industry collaboration to the development of a sustainable society. These subjects have been proven to work as a motivation not only for future employees in STEM related careers, but also for future company leaders and other society stakeholders. Raising the interest of youth for sciences is a concern not only for IUPAP, one of the leading bodies in the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development, but also for the whole scientific and high-tech industrial community.
The satellite event will include a round table panel discussion with representatives of Big Science research infrastructures and tech industries, who will showcase their contribution to society (thanks to their collaboration with academia / research) and their engagement to inspire next STEM generation, starting at high school level.
The event will end with the award ceremony of the best high school students, who participated at the flagship activity of IUPAP in connecting physics, industry and education: the BSBF pre-event for high schools, organized in Trieste on 18th of March, following the successful project “Youth at STEM for Sustainable Future” (Youth@STEM4SF).