
Early career scientists session

15 Dec 2023, 09:02
81/R-003B - Science Gateway Auditorium B (CERN)

81/R-003B - Science Gateway Auditorium B


CERN Science Gateway Sergio Marchionne Auditorium Campus du Portail de la science du CERN Esplanade des Particules 1 CH-1217 Meyrin


This session will be dedicated to keynote talks and panels that will discuss the situation of early career scientists, and how they contribute to sustainable development.

Presentation materials

15/12/2023, 09:02
Dr Carthage Smith (OECD)
15/12/2023, 09:12
Prof. Heidi Prozesky (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
15/12/2023, 09:32
Carthage Smith (OECD), Heidi Prozesky (Stellenbosch University, South Africa), Prof. Hiba Baroud (Vanderbilt University)
15/12/2023, 09:52
Cyrus Pan Walther, Dr Felix Moronta (ICGEB & GYA), Dr Hussam Hussein (Royal Scientific Society), Prof. Javier Garcia Martinez (IUPAC), Prof. Ruth Morgan (UCL)
15/12/2023, 10:39
Prof. Carlo D'Ippoliti (University La Sapienza), Dr Devina Lobine, Prof. Franco Cabrerizo, Prof. MARIAN ASANTEWAH NKANSAH (KNUST), Dr Wei Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
15/12/2023, 11:39
Building timetable...