After almost two years of celebration of the importance of basic sciences for sustainable development, the Closing Ceremony offered an overview of what happened, and the participants discussed how we will continue our action, especially in the perspective of the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development 2024–2033.
The morning sessions was fully dedicated to early career scientists.
The afternoon session offered an overview of the ending of the International Year, and some insights around the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development 2024–2033.
Recordings, photos and slides are easy available via the scientific programme.
Pre-session 14 December - 16:00 - 19:00
Opening Science for All
- Global Launch of the UNESCO Open Science Outlook
- UNESCO/CERN Dialoque on Equity in Open Science
More information at https://indico.cern.ch/event/1349829
IYBSSD Steering Committee

IYBSSD International Advisory Committee