19–23 Sept 2022
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
EPICS collaboration meeting is a hybrid event; an in-person and a virtual event

Status of ITER

21 Sept 2022, 11:00
Kolokvij lecture room (J. Stefan Institute)

Kolokvij lecture room

J. Stefan Institute

J. Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Talk Project Status Reports Wednesday midday session


Anders Wallander (ITER Organization)


The ITER project is in full construction with more and more support systems in commissioning and 24/7 operation. The EPICS based control system is about 15% complete towards first plasma considering energized instrumentation and control racks or integrated process variables.
In this talk we report on the current status of the ITER project with emphasize on the integration, commissioning and operation of in-kind deliverables. We also outline the plan for the coming years.


Anders Wallander (ITER Organization)

Presentation materials