19–23 Sept 2022
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
EPICS collaboration meeting is a hybrid event; an in-person and a virtual event

TimescaleDB for Archived Data

21 Sept 2022, 15:30
Kolokvij lecture room (J. Stefan Institute)

Kolokvij lecture room

J. Stefan Institute

J. Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Kay Kasemir


When storing archived data in a relational database (RDB), performance and data maintenance improve by using partitioning and automation to for example compress older partitions. While this has been demonstrated with both Oracle and PostgreSQL, the approaches to partitioning and the scripts to automate it were site-specific and not generally shared.
TimescaleDB is an open-source extension to PostgreSQL that supports the automated partitioning of time-series data. The CS-Studio archive engine can write to TimescaleDB without any changes, and recent additions to the CS-Studio Data Browser allow stored procedures to take advantage of TimescaleDB for optimized data retrieval. This opens optimized RDB setups for archived data to everybody in a common approach that no longer depends on site-specific ideas.


Presentation materials