EPICS and Tango are two of the most popular control systems widely used in scientific facilities. They are based on different designs, but they allow for interaction with multiple kinds of hardware devices. Sometimes the support for some devices is already provided by Tango Device Servers, but integration with EPICS is not yet implemented. In that cases, EPICS Tango Bridge is a perfect solution. The Bridge allows the tango device server to be accessed via the EPICS access channel. The solution enables a control system using both EPICS and Tango interfaces with great reliability and robustness. It helps to save the development time needed for the implementation of dedicated EPICS modules and IOCs.
In modern control systems, alarms are one of the most important aspects. Each control system can face unexpected issues, which demand fast and precise resolution. As the control system starts to grow, it requires the involvement of more engineers to access the alarm list and focus on the most important ones. Our objective was to allow users to access the alarms fast, remotely, and without dedicated software. According to current trends in the IT community, creating a web application turned out to be the most suitable solution. IC@MS - Integrated Cloud-ready Alarm Management System is the extension and web equivalent to the current Panic GUI application known from Tango Controls. What is important, our application is integrated also with EPICS, allowing users to create and edit alarms that relate to EPICS PVs’. IC@MS allows constant remote access using just a web browser which is currently present on every machine including mobile phones and tablets. The access to the different functionalities can be restricted to the users provided.
Epics Tango Bridge and IC@MS raise accessibility and awareness which are crucial for control systems