19–23 Sept 2022
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
EPICS collaboration meeting is a hybrid event; an in-person and a virtual event

Python based EPICS interface with CIP enabled devices

21 Sept 2022, 14:00
Kolokvij lecture room (J. Stefan Institute)

Kolokvij lecture room

J. Stefan Institute

J. Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lightning talk IOC Developments Lightning talks


Basil Aljamal


Many industrial process control devices are in-use at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source like PLC (Programmable logic controller) and HMI (Human–machine interface) which are integrated with our current control VISTA using FINS (Factory Interface Network Service) protocol. Recently a project for the replacement of old PLCs was started to coincide with the VISTA to EPICS migration. Therefore a decision was made to integrate new PLCs with EPICS. After investigation, CIP protocol (Common Industrial Protocol) was chosen oven FINS. This talk will describe work done on the implementation of a PVAccess-based EPICS interface written in python that periodically reads an array of CIP structures containing all related PV properties and populates them into PVAccess records.


Presentation materials