19–23 Sept 2022
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
EPICS collaboration meeting is a hybrid event; an in-person and a virtual event

EPICS Deployment at Fermilab

21 Sept 2022, 09:40
Kolokvij lecture room (J. Stefan Institute)

Kolokvij lecture room

J. Stefan Institute

J. Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Talk Project Status Reports Wednesday Morning session


Pierrick Hanlet


Fermilab has historically not been an EPICS site. A new superconducting linear accelerator, PIP-II, is being built as a high intensity proton source to serve the accelerator complex and EPICS will be used as its framework for controls. I will present how we build, provide template IOCs, test, deploy for different platforms using Continuous Integration and Deployment practices. I will also discuss applications, integration with the existing control system, and IOC management.


Presentation materials