19–23 Sept 2022
Europe/Ljubljana timezone
EPICS collaboration meeting is a hybrid event; an in-person and a virtual event

ITER Operation Applications: Status and Future Development

21 Sept 2022, 12:10
Kolokvij lecture room (J. Stefan Institute)

Kolokvij lecture room

J. Stefan Institute

J. Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Talk Project Status Reports Wednesday midday session


Robert Gunion


As ITER construction continues, the importance of high-level applications for integrated control and monitoring increases. ITER Operation Applications are being developed to address these needs. The Pulse Schedule Preparation System (PSPS) and Supervisory System (SUP) combine to provide coordinated, well-controlled and yet flexible solutions for configuration and operation of all plant systems at ITER. This talk will provide an update on the current development status of these systems.


Presentation materials