3–7 Jun 2019
ITER Headquarters (B72)
Europe/Paris timezone

CS-Studio & Phoebus Status Report

5 Jun 2019, 16:00
Cosylab Arena (ITER Headquarters (B72))

Cosylab Arena

ITER Headquarters (B72)

ITER Organization Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon 13067 St. Paul-lez-Durance (France)
Talk OPI Developments OPI Developments


Kunal Shroff (Brookhaven National Lab)


An update on the latest developments in control system studio and phoebus.

CS-Studio 4.6 is scheduled for release May 2019, the highlights of this release include the migration to openjdk11 and javafx.

Phoebus is a replacement for the eclipse RCP framework for cs-studio applications and services. The framework uses core java functionality with javafx to provide a reliable, performant, and thiner alternative to eclipse and SWT.

In order to ease the migration from eclipse to phoebus the cs-studio 4.6 release includes phoebus integration plugins with functionality needed to support a smooth transition.


Kunal Shroff (Brookhaven National Lab) Kay-Uwe Kasemir (ORNL) Claudio Rosati (European Spallation Source ERIC)

Presentation materials