14 April 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Direct Neutrino Mass Searches Covering the Inverted Ordering Scale

14 Apr 2023, 11:00


Prof. Walter Pettus (Indiana University)


State-of-the-art direct neutrino mass searches have recently achieved sensitivity below 1 eV.  The KATRIN experiment will run through 2025 projecting sensitivity to reach down to $m_\beta$ of 200 meV.  But KATRIN’s MAC-E filter technology and molecular tritium source are reaching their limitations in this experimental phase.  Sensitivity to cover the inverted neutrino mass ordering and beyond requires new experimental techniques and considerable R&D.  In this talk, I will outline the programs being pursued for next-generation neutrino mass sensitivity over the coming LRP period and the R&D challenges ahead.  I will particularly highlight recent advances by Project 8 employing the Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES) technique, charting its phased program towards an experiment sensitive down to $m_\beta$ of 40 meV.

Presentation materials