April 14, 2023
America/Chicago timezone

The APS Topical Group on Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants, with partial support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation,  will present a pre-meeting workshop at the April APS meeting in Minneapolis, MN entitled, “Precision Measurements in the US Long-Range Plan for Nuclear Physics”.  This workshop will present various examples of scientific topics in this general area, which spans the nuclear, particle, and atomic, molecular, and optical physics subfields. The workshop will be held on Friday, April 14, 2023, the day before the main in-person component of the April meeting (https://april.aps.org/) starts,  from 9:30 AM-5 PM in room Conrad A of the main conference hotel 

Registration will be 75 dollars for students and 150 dollars for others. The registration button is at the workshop website https://april.aps.org/events/gpmfc-workshop-2023. Coffee/refreshments and lunch will be provided. The goal is to provide an atmosphere that promotes education and informal discussion among the attendees.

Hilton Minneapolis, room Conrad A