Several indications of lepton non universality ratios, $R_{D^*}$, $R_{J/ \psi}$ and the measurements on hadronic and $\tau$ longitudinal polarizations in $b \to c \tau \bar{\nu_\tau}$ processes have attracted a lot of attentions. By considering the most general effective Lagrangian, we carry out a model independent analysis of the semileptonic $\Lambda_b$ decays, to inspect the nature of new...
$b\to s\tau^+\tau^-$ measurements are highly motivated for addressing lepton-flavor-universality (LFU)-violating puzzles such as $R_{K^{(\ast)}}$ anomalies. The anomalies of $R_{D^{(*)}}$ and $R_{J/\psi}$ further strengthen their necessity and importance, given that the LFU-violating hints from both involve the third-generation leptons directly. $Z$ factories at the future $e^-e^+$ colliders...