The muon g-2 experiment at J-PARC is under preparation and targeted to measure the muon anomalous magnetic moment with the precision of 450 ppb and muon electric dipole moment with 1.5e-21 e cm at its first stage,
thus contributing to investigation of discrepancy between Standard Model prediction and the current world average of g-2. The latter is dominated by two similar experiments E821 BNL and E989 FNAL, while we suggest a novel approach: pulsed primary proton beam provides surface muons, which are diffused through a silica aerogel target forming thermolised muonium atoms. They are laser ionised and re-accelerated by a multi-stage linac up to 300 MeV/c before spiral injection into the storage uniform 3 T MRI-like magnet volume at the stable orbit in the absence of E-field. The silicon strip detector placed inside the magnet measures decayed positron parameters used in data analysis.
We report the experimental approach, current status, and future prospects.
What is your topic? | Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the muon |