Dr. Patrick Le Du is a Senior (retired) experimental physicist at the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), working from 1969 to 2008. He received his Ph.D. in 1973. He was involved as a CEA-Saclay group leader in many High Energy Physics particle accelerator experiments at CERN (PS, SPS-NA3, LEP-OPAL, LHC-ATLAS), SSC(SDC) and FNAL-Tevatron (D0). He is an expert in instrumentation for large experimental systems, including wire chambers (MWPC), photodetectors and timing detectors (TOF), and read out electronics (Trigger and Data Acquisition). Since 2002, he has been a Scientific advisor at CEA and IN2P3 for technology transfer between fundamental physics instrumentation and biomedical imaging (2008). He has chaired many multidisciplinary conferences and workshops, including the IEEE NPSS Real Time 1997 Beaune Conference, and was General Chair of the first non-North American IEEE NSS-MIC in 2000 in Lyon, and NSS-MIC Co-Chair in Strasbourg and Manchester (20
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