Oral presentations MISC02
- Marc-André Tétrault (Université de Sherbrooke)
We present a High-Level Python-based Hardware Description Language (HLPyHDL), which uses object-oriented Python as a source language and converts it to standard VHDL.
It uses python as its source language and converts it to standard VHDL. Compared to other approaches of building converters from a high-level programming language into a hardware description language, this new...
The Time of Propagation (TOP) subdetector at the Belle II experiment requires a single photon timing resolution of below 100 picoseconds to identify the type of charged hadrons produced in $e^+e^-$ collisions at SuperKEKB collider. Due to data bandwidth constraints only the amplitude and the timing information calculated from the digitized photon pulses are transmitted to the Belle II DAQ...
PicoPET is a new generation of advanced data acquisition system for modern nuclear imaging. Very different from conventional front-end electronics designs, the key innovation of the PicoPET electronics is to include almost all functions of the front-end readout electronics, including signal splitting for energy and timing measurements, signal clustering and event triggering for detectors with...
Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan has successfully started the data taking with the full detector in March 2019, as the luminosity frontier experiment of the new generation to search for physics beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles. In order to read out the events from the seven subdetectors and the trigger system to precisely measure the decay...
Belle II is an experiment dedicated to explore the new physics beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles at the beam intensity frontier, SuperKEKB accelerator, which is located at KEK, Japan. Belle II has started data-taking since April, 2018, with a synchronous data acquisition (DAQ) system based on a pipelined trigger flow control. Belle II DAQ system is designed to handle 30 kHz...
Scientific experiments rely on some type of measurements that provides the required data to extract aimed information or conclusions. Data production and analysis are therefore essential components at the heart of any scientific experimental application.
Traditionally, efforts on detector development for photon sources have focused on the properties and performance of the detection...
Proton therapy achieves a precise cancer treatment due to a localized dose deposition. However there are several sources of range uncertainties that pose a risk to the vital organs in the vicinity of the Bragg peak, thus limiting the scope of the proton therapy. Range verification through secondary particle detection can help us overcome this problem. Our group has developed a scaleable flat...