4:05 PM
A reconfigurable neural network ASIC for detector front-end data compression
TRAN, Nhan Viet
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
4:06 PM
System Design and Prototyping for the CMS Level-1 Trigger at the High-Luminosity LHC
(Imperial College London)
4:07 PM
A 32 Channel Time-Tagging and Coincidence Detector Unit with High Data Throughput
(Stockholm University)
4:08 PM
Study on the time characteristics of fast MPPC based on 40GS/s real-time oscilloscope
YAN, Min
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
4:09 PM
The Study of Test Method on Time Characteristic for ultra-fast Photodetectors
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
QIAN, sen
(institude of high energy physical)
4:10 PM
Applications of Triggered Scaler Module for Accelerator Timing
4:11 PM
The influence of the dead layer increase on total gamma spectrum response for a coaxial HPGe p-type detector
(University of Science, VNUHCM, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
4:12 PM
Development of a real-time simulation RELAP/SUNDIALS code for the Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor
(Center for Nuclear Technologies)
4:13 PM
Response function of a neutron dose-rate meter: unfolding evaluation and verification
LE, Ngoc Thiem
4:14 PM
Optimization of PSD technique on charge integration ratio to improve neutron/gamma discrimination for EJ-276 plastic scintillation detector
VO, Hong Hai
(University of Science, VNUHCM )
4:15 PM
Study on impact of ENDF/B-VII.0 nuclear library uncertainty on the CERMET fueled ADS reactivity calculation using MCNP6 and WHISPER
VU, Thanh Mai
(VNU University of Science, Hanoi)
4:16 PM
Safety Interlock System Design for Proton Therapy System
FENG, Hansheng
4:17 PM
Architecture Design of JUNO DAQ
LI, Fei
4:18 PM
Real-time monitoring of operational data in the Belle II experiment
KUNIGO, Takuto
4:19 PM
Preliminary design of real-time plasma control system for CFETR
YUAN, Qiping
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
4:20 PM
Development of the second version of a 64-ch SiPM readout ASIC for TOP-PET with individual energy and timing digitizer
HAO, Jiajun
(Tsinghua University)
4:21 PM
Clock Trigger Node based on White Rabbit Technology for Distributed Trigger for Large Scale Neutron Detectors
LI, Jiawen
(University of Science and Technology of China)
4:22 PM
A Low-power Large-capacity Storage Method for Deep-sea In-situ Radiation Measurement
(Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China)
4:23 PM
Monitoring and control systems for a new branched proton beam line in Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC.
(KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
4:24 PM
A Linear Digital Timing Measure Method for In-Beam PET
KE, Lingyun
4:25 PM
Characterization of an In-Beam PET prototype for Heavy-Ion Cancer Therapy Device
YAN, junwei
4:26 PM
Universal Readout Method for GAEA Gamma Spectrometer at CSNS Back-n White Neutron Source
XIE, Likun
(State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China)
4:27 PM
Development of an 16 channel low power and high intergration readout ASIC for time projection chamber in 65 nm CMOS
LIU, wei
(Tsinghua University)
4:28 PM
The data taking network for COMET Phase-I
4:29 PM
Pulse Shape Discrimination of Bulk and Very Bulk Events within HPGe Detectors
ZHU, Jinfu
4:30 PM
A Prototype Design of the Readout Electronics of MRPC Detectors in CEE in HIRFL
LU, Jiaming
4:31 PM
Multi-Spectrometer Compatible Data Acquisition System for Deep-sea In-situ Radiation Measurement
YUAN, Jianhui
(University of Science and Technology of China)
4:32 PM
Peak-finding for Longitudinal Beam Halo Readout System
NGUYEN, Minh Truong
(UC Davis)
4:33 PM
Archiver System Management for Belle II Detector Operation
KIM, Yongkyu
(Yonsei Univ)
4:34 PM
Prototype Design for Upgrading Central Safety and Interlock System on EAST
ZHANG, Zuchao
4:35 PM
MPV - Parallel Readout Architecture for the VME data acquisition system
BABA, Hidetada
4:36 PM
Improvement of EAST Data Acquisition Configuration Management
CHEN, Ying
LI, Shi
WANG, Feng
4:37 PM
Validation 2-D In-Vivo Dosimetry Based on Correlation Ratio Algorithm
RAMADHAN, Muhammad Mahdi
(University of Indonesia)
4:38 PM
Particle Tracking with Space Charge Effect using Graphics Processing Unit
KURIMOTO, Yoshinori
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
4:39 PM
Data Management and Network Platform for CFETR
SUN, Xiaoyang
(Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
4:40 PM
Gigabit Ethernet Daisy-Chain on FPGA for COMET Read-out Electronics
HAMADA, Eitaro
4:41 PM
Noise Analysis of Current Sensitive Preamplifiers and Influence on Energy Resolution of NaI:Tl Detector System
4:42 PM
Iterative Retina for barrel-shape tracker and high magnetic field and high track multiplicity
DENG, Wendi
4:43 PM
A Low-power VCSEL Driving Structure Implemented in a 4 x 14-Gbps VCSEL Array Driver
(Central China Normal University)