Oct 12 – 23, 2020
GMT timezone

Explanation about Timezones

When running the virtual conference with participant from all over the world you have to make sure you understand what the times in the conference timetable mean for your timezone.

The default timezone for Real Time 2020 is GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), sometimes called UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). It's the time in the UK during winter - right now, UK is still on summertime and thus not on GMT.

Luckily, Indico allows you to convert the default GMT timetable to your own timezone.


In the upper right corner of the browser window Indico shows you the timezone which is currently set. Default is GMT:

So all times are GMT. The opening session looks like this:

You may change the timezone, for example to Shanghai:

When you are on Shanghai time

the time of the opening session change accordingly: