Oral presentations CMTS02
- Fukun Tang (University of Chicago (US))
In high energy physics experiments, frontend digitization modules are usually driven by a common clock. At the frontend electronics and digitization modules of the detector, a precise timing reference must establish in order to make a useful timing measurement. It would be very useful for the frontend digitization system to include a feature of redundant timing crosschecking. The inspiration...
A precise and stable timing system is necessary for high
intensity proton accelerators such as the J-PARC. The existing timing
system, which was developed during the construction period of the
J-PARC, has been working without major issues since 2006. After a
decade of operation, the optical modules, which are key components for
signal transfer, were discontinued already. Thus, the...
The reconstruction and identification of tau leptons decaying into hadrons are crucial for physics studies with tau leptons in the final state at the LHC. The recently deployed tau identification algorithm using deep neural networks at the CMS experiment for the discrimination of taus from light flavour quark or gluon induced jets, electrons, or muons is an ideal example for the exploitation...
A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) is one of the four major experiments conducted by CERN at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The ALICE detector is currently undergoing an upgrade for the upcoming Run 3 at the LHC. The new Inner Tracking System (ITS) sub-detector is part of this upgrade. The front-end electronics of ITS is deployed in a radiation environment, and Single Event Upsets...