Aug 1 – 5, 2022
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, IRIS building, Adlershof
Europe/Zurich timezone

Recordings and Slides

All the talks were livestreamed on the Youtube-channel IDD HU-Berlin. The recordings and slides are directly available through the links listed below:


Recordings: Tseytlin, Driezen 
Slides: Pomoni, Meier
Recordings: Pomoni, Meier
Slides: Grimm, Blair
Recordings: Grimm, Blair
Slides: Thompson, Valach
Recordings: Thompson, Valach
Slides: Frolov, Seibold
Recordings: Frolov, Seibold
Recordings: Torrielli, Demulder
Slides: Klimcik, Lacroix, Mann
Recordings: Lacroix, Mann