Session 16: Direct Dark Matter Detection: Technical Developments -2
- Marisa Sarsa
The Argon Response to Ionization and Scintillation (ARIS) experiment utilized monoenergetic fixed-angle neutron and gamma scatters to characterize liquid argon response to nuclear and electronic recoils for support of direct dark matter detection experiments with a liquid argon target. The relative scintillation efficiency for low energy single-scatter nuclear recoils and the recombination...
The MiniCLEAN (Cryogenic Low-Energy Astrophysics with Noble liquid) dark matter experiment will exploit a single-phase liquid argon detector instrumented with 92 photomultiplier tubes placed in the cryogen with 4-$\pi$ coverage of a 500 kg (150 kg) target (fiducial) mass. The detector design strategy emphasizes scalability to target masses of order 10 tons or more. During the initial cooling...
LUX (Large Underground Xenon) is a retired 250 kg liquid xenon dark matter direct detection experiment. Determination of radiogenic backgrounds is essential for accurate extraction of signals and optimization of detector sensitivity. In this talk, we present analyses of backgrounds in the LUX detector, extending the energy scale beyond what is documented in previous publications. This work...
The Xenon Breakdown Apparatus (XeBrA) is a 5-liter detector designed to study high voltage behavior in noble liquids, located at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. XeBrA is designed to characterize the dependence of electric field breakdown on electrode properties in both liquid argon and liquid xenon. Electrodes may be tested up to 30 cm$^2$ in area, while varying cathode-anode separation...