Session 8: Dark matter searches at accelerators
- Howard Baer (University of Oklahoma)
The next-generation B-factory experiment Belle II at the upgraded KEKB accelerator, SuperKEKB, will start physics data taking in 2018. It is an asymmetric e+e- collider that will operate with 40x the instantaneous luminosity of KEKB/Belle and aims to collect 50 times more data in total.
Belle II offers the possibility to search for a large variety of dark sector particles in the GeV mass...
Electroweak multiplets are an archetypal candidate for the WIMP paradigm of thermal dark matter. Examples include the Wino and Higgsino of supersymmetry, as well as the fermion quintet of Minimal Dark Matter. We discuss the prospective limits and discovery reach at the proposed future lepton collider CLIC on these and similar models. When the components of the multiplet are approximately...