I will describe the numerical efforts to simulate galaxies with the moving-mesh code AREPO across an unprecedented range of halo masses, environments, evolutionary stages and cosmic times. In particular, I will focus on the IllustrisTNG project (www.tng-project.org), a series of three gravity+magnetohydrodynamics cosmological volumes (50, 100, 300 Mpc a side, respectively) in a LCDM cosmology...
Pure dark matter structure formation simulations in LCDM predict that dwarf galaxies should inhabit dark matter halos that have steeply rising central density “cusps”. However, observations of nearby dwarf irregulars favour instead constant density dark matter “cores”. Many solutions to this cusp-core problem have been proposed, from modifications to the nature of dark matter to dark matter...
We introduce a method to create mock galaxy catalogs in redshift space including all gen- eral relativistic effects to linear order in the cosmological perturbations. We dub our method LIGER, a short for ‘light cones with general relativity’. LIGER takes a (N-body or hydrody- namic) Newtonian simulation as an input and outputs the distribution of galaxies in comoving redshift space. This...