Oct 22 – 27, 2018
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Europe/Zagreb timezone

Cosmology offers today one of the most important frontiers of physics. The mystery of dark matter and puzzle of dark energy are still outstanding.  On the observational side there is an exponential growth of accurate and important data, and they will help in establishing the new needed theories.

In this conference we plan to bring together researchers from the observational, computer simulation and theoretical sides working in cosmology, astrophysics and astroparticle physics, to discuss the current situation as well as  prospects for the future improvements.

All the topics will be discussed from different angles starting from the booming flow of observational data. The topics to be discussed will include:

  1. DM (Theory, Observations, Detection)
  2. Structures in the Universe 
  3. New observational probes of the Universe
  4. Multimessenger cosmology (Gravitational waves, Cosmic rays, Neutrinos)
  5. Unknown physics in the Universe

A number of invited talks from leading scientists as well as many contributed ones from participants will be presented.

The conference will take place in a conductive atmosphere, appropriate for the dramatic paradigm shift that we may be witnessing in these days.

The conference is supported by the H2020 project n. 692194 RBI-T-WINNING.

A conference fee of 200Eur is required: it covers Coffee Breaks, Lunches, Gala dinner. 

Additional support for accommodation of contributing speakers will be available in a limited number of cases.

Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)

  • Pasquale Blasi
  • Marina Cobal
  • Christopher Conselice
  • Angela di Virgilio
  • Nicolao Fornengo
  • Katherine Freese
  • Carlos Frenk
  • Paolo Gondolo
  • Ruth Lazkoz
  • Sabino Matarrese
  • Joseph Silk
  • Volker Springel
  • Francesco Villante
  • V. Gammaldi (scientific secretariat)
  • Fabrizio Nesti, Paolo Salucci (chairs)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

  • O Antipin
  • C. Di Paolo
  • G. Sharma
  • F. Nesti
  • P. Salucci
  • V. Gammaldi
  • A. Vidoš (administrative support)








Registration for this event is currently open.