Existence of anisotropic component in dark matter velocity distribution has been pointed out by N-body simulation and observations. We study the possibility to discriminate isotropic and anisotropic distributions with directional direct detection of dark matter.
We show how the abundance and the properties of dwarf galaxies can set tight constraints on Warm Dark Matter (WDM) models. We consider both thermal relics and sterile neutrino (with different production mechanisms) as possible candidates for the WDM, and show that the observed number density of faint (M_UV = -12) high-redshift (z= 6) lensed galaxies in the field provides an unprecedented probe...
In the standard Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmological model, dwarf galaxies are considered the building blocks of the most massive galaxies, so a knowledge of their properties is required to understand the processes that drive galaxy formation. Among dwarf galaxies, the local dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) are known to be hosted in massive and extended dark halos, usually dominating the...
We use a semi-analytic galaxy formation model and consider various observables which can be used as valuable probes for uncovering the nature of dark matter. Among them, we show how the properties of young stellar populations in the local Universe can be used as a particularly valuable cosmological test. We discuss how future facilities can help us supporting standard lambda cold dark matter...
Modifications to General Relativity on cosmological scales offer an intriguing explanation for the accelerated expansion of the Universe. The modifications to gravity are sourced by an extra scalar field, which gives rise to a fifth force that enhances structure formation. The additional force is negligible in high density regions, however it can attain maximum values in underdense regions and...