The Fermi GeV excess of diffuse gamma-rays is observed as a shift in the maximum in the spectrum (weighted by the energy squared) from below 1 GeV to about 2 GeV and can be explained either by a new source with a spectrum peaking at 2 GeV or a suppression of gamma-rays below 2 GeV. As new sources dark matter annihilation or millisecond pulsars have been proposed. In this paper we compare these...
A natural consequence of the hierarchical structure formation scenario in LCDM is that it predicts abundant substructure (or subhalos) inside larger halos, i.e. galaxies like ours. The most massive of these subhalos host the known dwarf satellite galaxies, while smaller subhalos may host no stars/gas at all and thus may not possess astrophysical counterparts. Yet, if dark matter (DM) particles...
I will discuss about the status of constraints for Scalar Field DM models arising from dwarf spheroidal kinematics. As well as about the differences, in the structure formation process, between the free scalar field and the self-interacting one, endowed with a trigonometric potential, that can help to avoid the constraints set by the Lyman-alpha forest and the dSph's kinematics.