23 January 2023 to 3 February 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone


Theory 5

27 Jan 2023, 09:30
Sala de Juntas (IEM -CSIC)

Sala de Juntas


C/ Serrano 113 bis ES-28006 Madrid

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Caterina Michelagnoli (Institut Laue-Langevin)
27/01/2023, 09:30
Prof. Olof Tengblad (IEM - CSIC)
27/01/2023, 10:30
Christophe Rappold (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia - CSIC)
27/01/2023, 12:00

Applications of Machine Learning in nuclear and particle physics.

Dr Bruno Olaizola (CERN)
27/01/2023, 13:00
Jose Antonio Briz Monago (CERN)
Building timetable...