Welcome to Indico Global!

3–6 May 2022
Europe/Madrid timezone

Seminar Programme

Tuesday May 3rd , 2022

Session: welcome and physics highlights

15:00 Welcome by the General Secretary of the Ministry of Science and Innovation - MICINN ( Dr. Raquel Yotti )
15:10 Welcome and Presentation of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - CSIC ( Prof. Jesus Marco )
15:30 Physics highlights and challenges - astroparticle physics
16:00 Physics highlights and challenges - particle physics
16:30 Physics highlights and challenges - nuclear physics

17:00 Break

Session: overall strategies, to set the scene

17:30 Strategy APPEC
18:00 Strategy ECFA
18:30 Strategy NuPECC

19:00 Welcome cocktail

Wednesday May 4th, 2022

Session: EoI Reports

9:00 EoI 1 - Dark Matter - iDMEu
9:30 EoI 2 - Gravitational Waves for fundamental physics
10:00 EoI 3 - Machine-Learning Optimized Design of Experiments - MODE
10:30 Break
11:00 EoI 4 - Nuclear Physics at the LHC
11:30 EoI 5 - Storage Rings for the Search of Charged-Particle Electric Dipole Moments (EDM)
12:00 EoI 6 - (to be announced)

13:00 Lunch

Session: applications for society (intention to kick-off a joint ApPEC-ECFA-NuPECC folder on the topic, refering to domain specific information)

15:00 Transfer of knowledge - best practices 1
15:30 Transfer of knowledge - Round Table Discussion

16:30 Break

Session: education, outreach and science communication

16:00 Training of scientific and technical staff
16:30 Education from master student to tenure
17:00 Outreach: a united ApPEC-ECFA-NuPECC story to tell?
17:15. Round Table Discussion

18:00 Poster session

Thursday May 5th, 2022

Session: Infrastructures for future

9:00 Open questions in fundamental physics and our main future facilities to address them
9:30 Detector technology challenges to realise our scientific ambitions
10:00 Challenges in computing and software for our Big Data
10:30 Infrastructures for Fundamental science from the EC perspective
11:00 Break

Session: Computing and Software situation, challenges and avenues for the future

11:30 Quantum computing
12:00 Open Data for ApPEC-ECFA-NuPECC
12:30 Sustainablity and future of software frameworks

13:00 Lunch

Session: diversity, recognition and Larg escale projects

15:00 Precise calculations
15:30 WG on Recognition of achievements in large collaborations
16:00 WG/survey on Diversity


20:00 Conference dinner

Friday May 6th, 2022

Session: Technology and Detector R&D (cannot cover everything, hence select key topics with synergies among the fields)

9:00 Photo-sensors
9:30 Solid-state devices
10:00 Calorimetry

10:30 Break

11:00 Cryogenics
11:30 Accelerator technology
12:00 How to limit the environmental impact
12:30 Closing

13:00 Lunch