Meeting will be hybrid: Hotel Sana Malhoa, Lisbon & online (a zoom link was emailed to registered participants on Tuesday 7th September at 15h Lisbon time. Please check your spam folder if you did not receive it.)
Timezone: Lisbon/London (CEST-1)
(P): talk given in person
(O): talk delivered online
Wednesday 8th September: 13h-17h30 (12h30: zoom room opens)
ChETEC Action overview and status [including first part of the Management Committee (MC) meeting, which everyone is welcome to join]
13h00: Welcome (José Rebordão, President of the Admnistration Board -
13h05(P): Agenda overview (Raphael Hirschi, Action chair)
13h10(P): Action overview and status (Raphael Hirschi)
13h30(O): STSM update (Igor Gasparic, STSM coordinator)
13h40(P): grant holder update (Mafalda Basto, FCiências.ID)
13h50(O): COST update (Mafalda Quintas)
14h00(O): Gender update (Maria Lugaro, gender coordinator)
14h10(O): ITC/ECI update (Sevdalina Dimitrova, Pan-European coordinator)
14h20: Mini-break
Modelling pipelines connecting nuclear processes to astronomical observables (WG2) session
Session chairs: Jordi Jose (in person), Maria Lugaro (online)
14h30(O): WG2 highlights (Jacqueline den Hartogh) [MC talk]
14h40(O): The cosmic carbon footprint of massive stars stripped in binary systems (Rob farmer; 15’+5’)
15h00(P): Chemical Evolution with short lived radioisotopes (Benjamin Wehmeyer; 15’+5’)
15h20(P): 3D hydrodynamics simulations of neon burning with the PROMPI code (Federico Rizzuti; 15’+5’)
15h40(P): A flexible model for neutron star equation of state: Implication of recent observations (Chiranjib Mondal; 15’+5’)
16h00: coffee break
Astronomical observations and interpretation (WG3) session
Session chairs: Roland Diehl (in person), Andreas Korn (online)
16h30(O): WG3 highlights (Camilla Hansen) [MC talk]
16h40(O): Barium stars and their polluter AGBs - how do we find the best match? (Bori Cseh; 15’+5’)
17h00(O): New Online Database of Symbiotic Variables as a tool for understanding the symbiotic population (Jaroslav Merc; 15’+5’)
17h20(O): CERES survey: atmospheric parameters and abundances of elements O to
Zn (Linda Lombardo; 15’+5’)
Thursday 9th September: 9h-17h30
Nuclear data for astrophysics: needs, coordination and dissemination (WG1) session
Session chairs: Daniel Galaviz-Redondo (in person), Alessandra Guglielmetti (online)
9h00(O): WG1 highlights (Alessandra Guglielmetti) [MC talk]
9h15(P): 12C+12C reaction (Aurora Tumino; invited: 25’+5’)
9h45(P): 12C+alpha reaction (James De Boer; invited: 25’+5’)
10h15: coffee break
10h45(O): Nuclear masses and their role in r-process nucleosynthesis and their role in the production of first r-process peak elements (Stylianos Nikas; 15’+5’)
11h05(P): Modeling beta decay and electron capture for nucleosynthesis and stellar evolution (Nils Paar; 15’+5’)
11h25(P): Determination of 118Sn(p,g)119Sb cross-section at astrophysical energies from X-ray emission yields (Manuel Xarepe; 15’+5’)
11h45(P): Atomic Structure Calculations in Lanthanide and Actinide ions relevant to kilonovae (Ricardo Silva; 15’+5’)
12h05: lunch
International cooperation with COST & NSF AccelNet: challenges and opportunities
Session chairs: Raphael Hirschi (in person), Mafalda Quintas (online)
14h00(P): International cooperation in Nuclear Astrophysics: ChETEC COST Action (Raphael Hirschi, Action Chair; 10+5)
14h15(O): International cooperation in Nuclear Astrophysics: IReNA NSF network of networks (Hendrik Schatz, IReNA PI; 10+5)
14h30(O): International cooperation with COST (15+10)
14h55(O): International cooperation with NSF AccelNet programme (15+10)
15h20(O): general discussion and Q&A on challenges and opportunities in international cooperation
16h00: coffee break
Dissemination session
16h30(P): Overview (Jordi Jose, dissemination coordinator) [MC talk]
16h35(P): Videos (Jordi Jose)
16h45(O): ChETEC brochure (Andreas Korn)
16h55(P): Infographics (Zsolt Fulop)
17h05(P+O): ChETEC website (Raphael Hirschi/Jacqueline den Hartogh)
Friday 10th September: 9h-12h30
Tools, techniques, knowledge exchange and innovation (WG4) session
Session chairs: Raphael Hirschi (in person), Daniel Bemmerer (online)
09h00(O): WG4 highlights and challenges (Daniel Bemmerer) [MC talk]
09h15(O): Knowledge hub and expertise database sustainability (open discussion, chair Konrad Schmidt)
09h30(P): ChETEC-INFRA, a Starting Community of Research Infrastructures (Axel Boeltzig)
10h00(O): Towards a new COST proposal (Camilla Hansen & Konrad Schmidt)
10h30: coffee break [ChETEC survey: Raphael Hirschi]
Discussion and conclusion [final part of MC agenda]
11h00(P): Review of Action (Raphael Hirschi),
11h30(P+O): Talk by synergy agents (Roland Diehl & F.-K. Thielemann)
11h50(P): Final remarks (Daniel Galaviz/Jacqueline den Hartogh/Raphael Hirschi)