Up-to-date local information about covid restrictions in Portugal can be found here.
The Passenger Locator Card has to be filled within 4 days prior to your arrival.
Our local organisers have arranged for free testing on Friday afternoon:
Dear all,
We have the opportunity of doing free COVID-19 antigen tests* at a Pharmacy near the SANA Malhoa Hotel (conference venue).
We have booked a slot for Friday 10th between 16h to 16h30 (GMT).
We need to know who wants to do the test and if this slot is suitable.
Please get back to us as soon as possible and no later than Monday 6th (msbasto@fciencias-id.pt; pmbras@fciencias-id.pt).
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Mafalda and Pedro
*"Panbio™ - COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test Abbott Rapid Diagnostics" - Sensitivity: 93,3% ; Specificity: 99,4%