8–10 Aug 2023
Canada/Eastern timezone


Career Talk & Social

9 Aug 2023, 18:00


During Wednesday night’s “unscheduled” evening block, we’re hosting a short 6-7 p.m. “Pop-Up Pizza & Career Talk” at Stirling Hall. This event features Dr. Claire David, the first McDonald Institute Ambassador, who has been on an inspiring, career-accelerating journey across eight African countries teaching and promoting artificial intelligence research and particle physics.
Dr. David will talk about her work with the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and African School of Physics (APS), the novel insights she’s gained as an outreach-engaged ATLAS and DUNE collaborator, and her vision for her new role as a Cape Town, S.A.-based Program & Research Manager of a new DeepMind-affiliated masters course AI For Science.
Come join us for a slice of pizza and a dive into Dr. David's unique career path, filled with impactful connections and inspiring innovations. Get ready to be inspired and leave with a renewed appreciation for the interconnected world of astroparticle physics, AI, and international collaboration.
If you’d like to join us, please RSVP at https://forms.gle/N9WMvp7rAqGiLPcX9

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