8–10 Aug 2023
Canada/Eastern timezone

Gala Dinner (Summer Casual - collared shirts, dress shorts)

10 Aug 2023, 18:30
3h 30m


Come and celebrate with us and join us in a special toast for Dr. Art McDonald's upcoming milestone! We have booked the beautiful Senior Staff Mess at Royal Military College of Canada for our gala dinner and social event. The facility is on the southeast tip of Kingston's Point Frederick, with an outdoor patio overlooking the convergence of Kaniatarowanénhne and Oniatarí:io (Kanyen'kéha names of the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario). Appetizers and full dinner service will be provided. Cash bar service for alcoholic beverages.

DRESS CODE: "Slightly" elevated above fully casual dress, but still totally comfortable. (Casual shirts require collars. Shorts need to be dressy [no cutoffs]). See details at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XtGI_TrNVGwDdwmQNk7CcF2TQQfGXWBOs6w_3KR4Br0/edit

TRANSPORTATION: A shuttle transport will be available for the 3 km trip between the main meeting venue (Biosciences Building, Queen's University). Kingston Transit's closest stop is 1 km north of the venue and parking is available at the Sawyer lot approx. 350 m north of the venue.

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