17–21 Jul 2023
University of Southampton Highfield Campus
Europe/London timezone

Constraints on ultralight scalars and axions using atomic clocks

18 Jul 2023, 16:20


Parallel talks Alternative theories to SUSY Alternative theories to SUSY


Nathaniel Sherrill (University of Sussex)


Dimensionless fundamental constants can vary as a function of time if an ultralight field couples to the standard model. Using data on strontium, ytterbium and caesium atomic-clock transitions collected by the National Physical Laboratory in the UK, fine-structure constant and electron-to-proton mass ratio variations have been measured for about two weeks. These data enable the extraction of model-independent constraints on leading scalar-SM couplings. Analysing the amplitude spectrum as a function of oscillation frequency leads to new constraints on models of scalar and axion-like dark matter.


Nathaniel Sherrill (University of Sussex)

Presentation materials