17–21 Jul 2023
University of Southampton Highfield Campus
Europe/London timezone

Flavour non-universality vs Naturalness

21 Jul 2023, 14:00


Parallel talks Flavour physics: Theory and Experiment Flavour physics: Theory and Experiment


Joe Davighi


I will discuss flavour non-universal gauge interactions as a generic,
and well-motivated, possibility for new physics at the TeV scale. Such
dynamics could explain the hierarchical structure of fermion masses and
mixing angles - the so-called 'flavour puzzle' - by delivering
approximate flavour symmetries as accidental. The extended gauge
interactions imply heavy gauge bosons that couple directly to the Higgs,
which give unavoidable 1-loop contributions to the Higgs mass.
I will hence use naturalness as a guide in this space of low-scale
flavour models, and discuss general phenomenological consequences in
natural regions of parameter space. This includes measurable effects in
precision flavour (and electroweak) observables, and high energy
searches at the LHC with third family final states.


Presentation materials