17–21 Jul 2023
University of Southampton Highfield Campus
Europe/London timezone

Constraining the electroweakino sector of the MSSM through the combination of orthogonal LHC searches

18 Jul 2023, 18:00


Parallel talks SUSY: Phenomenology and Experiment SUSY: Phenomenology and Experiment




The lack of evidence for new physics in the LHC data puts stringent constraints on supersymmetric theories. However, searches for supersymmetric particles at the LHC are made channel-by-channel in specific final states, and the results are typically presented in the context of simplified models. It is therefore important to reinterpret the results of these searches by confronting them to full theories. So far, such reinterpretation has also mostly been done in a channel-by-channel approach, considering the constraints from each experimental search separately. In this presentation, we go a step further and discuss how combining LHC search results into a global likelihood can give better and statistically more robust constraints on the tested models. Concretely, our analysis focuses on the electroweakino sector of the MSSM, for which we derive global constraints based on the ~10 publicly available and reusable ATLAS and CMS searches for signals in this sector through the SModelS package.


Prof. Andre Lessa (CCNH - Univ. Federal do ABC) Dr Humberto Reyes-González (University of Genoa) Mohammad Mahdi AlTakach (LPSC) Sabine Kraml (LPSC Grenoble) Sahana Narasimha (Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY), Vienna) Timothee PASCAL (LPSC (CNRS)) Wolfgang Waltenberger (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))

Presentation materials