17–21 Jul 2023
University of Southampton Highfield Campus
Europe/London timezone

A Boltzmann equation approach to string thermodynamics

19 Jul 2023, 17:40


Parallel talks Supergravity and cosmology Supergravity and Cosmology


Gonzalo Villa (DAMTP - University of Cambridge)


Using interaction rates computed to second order in string perturbation theory, we pose a system of Boltzmann equations describing an ensemble of long open and closed strings in different regimes (which include high and low density of D-branes), for an arbitrary number of "effectively non-compact" directions, along which strings cannot wind. We find equilibrium distributions for all these systems and study their behaviour under fluctuations, which we use to estimate thermalization rates. We comment on the relevance of this scenario in early Universe cosmology.


Prof. Andrew Frey (University of Winnipeg) Dr Anshuman Maharana (Harish-Chandra research institute) Fernando Quevedo Dr Francesco Muia (University of Cambridge) Gonzalo Villa (DAMTP - University of Cambridge) Ratul Mahanta (INFN, Sezione di Bologna)

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