17–21 Jul 2023
University of Southampton Highfield Campus
Europe/London timezone

A Generalised Missing Partner Mechanism for SU(5) GUT Inflation

17 Jul 2023, 17:00


Parallel talks SUSY and String models SUSY and String models


Jonathan Steiner (University of Basel)


We generalise the Missing Partner Mechanism to split the electron-like states from the coloured ones of vector-like $SU(5)$ 10-plets. Together with the extra light weak doublets from the Double Missing Partner Mechanism (DMPM), this realises gauge coupling unification in the presence of a light weak triplet and colour octet - the characteristic light relics from the adjoint in $SU(5)$ GUT inflation models - without fine-tuning. Additionally, we show how the vector-like 10-plets may generate realistic fermion masses while the DMPM ensures that dimension five nucleon decay is suppressed. A discovery of the light relic states at future colliders would provide a ``smoking gun'' signal of the scenario.


Jonathan Steiner (University of Basel) Kevin Hinze Stefan Antusch shaikh saad (University of Basel)

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