Preliminary strawman schedule, to be adjusted as needed
Signal Prediction - Modeling
TG1What's going on in the supernova to make the neutrinos we will see?
Convenors: Evan O'Connor, Jim Kneller
Signal Prediction - Pre-supernova
TG2What would neutrinos cooling the core of a pre-SN star look like?
Convenors: Cecilia Lunardini, Andrey Sheshukov -
Signal Prediction - Detector Response
TG3Given a neutrino flux, how to get that modeled in the detectors participating in SNEWS?
Convenors: Segev BenZvi -
Alert Formation - Implementation
TG4The communications between experiments and SNEWS, and how SNEWS itself is built do to the job.
Convenor: Alec Habig -
Alert Formation - Triangulation and Pointing
TG5What can SNEWS do to point back on the sky to the source of the neutrinos?
Convenors: Kate Scholberg, Jeff Tseng -
Alert Formation - Fire Drills
TG6How can we practice doing all this stuff?
Convenor: Erin O'Sullivan
Follow-up: Multi- Messenger Follow-Up
TG7Coordinating the SN followup with things other than neutrinos
Convenor: Danny Milisavljevic -
Follow-up: Outreach & Communication
TG8Making sure the wider community knows what we're up to.
Convenor: Justin Vasel -
TG9Logistics of operating SNEWS