Poster Session: Poster Session
- Ken Clark (SNOLAB)
Session of posters
SNO+ is a multipurpose neutrino physics experiment, located 2 kilometers underground in the SNOLAB facility in Sudbury, Canada. It is the successor of the SNO experiment, replacing the heavy water in the Acrylic vessel (AV) with 780 tonnes of liquid scintillator, Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB). The AV is surrounded by 7000 tons of ultrapure light water, which shields the detector from naturally...
Borexino experiment is located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy, and its primary goal is detecting solar neutrinos, in particular those below 2 MeV, with unprecedentedly high sensitivity. Its technical distinctive feature is the ultra-low radioactive background of the inner scintillating core, which is the basis of the outstanding achievements obtained by the...
For the next generation of large neutrino detectors the Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPCs) are the best choice for optimal perfomance in particle tracking and calorimetry. The detection of Ar scintillation light plays a crucial role in the event reconstruction as well as time reference for non beam physics such as supernovae neutrinos detection and baryon number violation studies....
The nEXO Collaboration is developing a tonne-scale neutrinoless double beta decay experiment employing an enriched $^{136}$Xe target. The enriched liquid xenon is operated as a time projection chamber (TPC) providing event timing and position reconstruction. The goal is to search for excess events at the 2458 keV end-point of the $^{136}$Xe double beta-decay energy spectrum. An event excess at...
The ECHo experiment is designed to measure the $^{163}$Ho electron capture decay spectrum up to its endpoint at $2.833\,keV$.
Such a measurement offers great potential to reach sub-$eV$ sensitivity on the absolute electron neutrino mass $m_{\nu_{e}}$.
A crucial aspect in this effort is the thorough understanding of the low energy background to experiment below $3\,keV$ and its reduction....
The SOX experiment aims to investigate possible anomalous oscillatory behavior in neutrinos, including the existence of sterile neutrinos, by exploiting the very low radioactive background of the Borexino detector. A calibration campaign is crucial to achieve a deeper understanding of the energy response and the spatial reconstruction accuracies of the detector. It will be performed with a...
The KATRIN (KArlsruhe TRitium Neutrino-) experiment will measure the endpoint region of the tritium-$\beta$-decay spectrum to determine the neutrino mass with a sensitivity of 0.2$\thinspace$eV/c$^2$. To achieve this sub-eV sensitivity the energy of the decay electrons will be analyzed using a $\mbox{MAC-E-filter}$ type spectrometer. The retarding potential of the MAC-E-filter of $\mbox{-18.6...
The Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (SuperCMDS) experiment uses state-of-the-art cryogenic germanium detectors designed to detect Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). WIMPs are a class of candidate particles for the elusive dark matter, which constitutes approximately 27% of the Universe. The CDMS Low Ionization Threshold Experiment (CDMSlite) used a modified operational mode,...
COSINE-100, a direct detection WIMP dark matter search, is using 106 kg of NaI(Tl) crystals to definitively test the DAMA collaboration’s claim of WIMP discovery. Despite astrophysical considerations indicating that dark matter constitutes approximately 27% of the energy content of the universe, only the DAMA collaboration claims to have observed dark matter. This observation is in the form of...
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is an experiment constructed to search for neutrinoless double-beta decays in germanium-76 and to demonstrate the feasibility to deploy a large-scale experiment in a phased and modular fashion. It consists of two modular arrays of natural and 76Ge-enriched germanium detectors totalling 44.1 kg, located at the 4850' level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility in...
The Borexino experiment at the INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory is following a rich solar neutrino physics program. The Borexino most recent results are the precise measurements of the $^7$Be, pep and pp solar neutrino fluxes as well as the observation of season modulation of the $^7$Be solar neutrino rate. These results were derived from the so-called Borexino Phase-II data (i.e. data collected...
The SNO+ detector main physics goal is the search for neutrinoless double-beta decay, a rare process which if detected, will prove the Majorana nature of the neutrinos and provide information on the absolute scale of the neutrino absolute mass. Additional physics goals of SNO+ include the study of solar neutrinos, anti-neutrinos from nuclear reactors and the Earth's natural radioactivity as...
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is an experiment constructed to search for neutrinoless double-beta decays in germanium-76 and to demonstrate the feasibility to deploy a large-scale experiment in a phased and modular fashion. It consists of two modular arrays of natural and 76Ge-enriched germanium p-type point contact detectors totaling 44.1 kg, located at the 4850' level of the Sanford Underground...
\lettrine[nindent=0em,lines=3]{D}iscovered by Hess during some experiments about air ionization, cosmic rays are constituted by particles coming from the space. In the past, cosmic rays allowed the development of Particle Physics; indeed, thanks to their high energy not achievable in laboratories, they enabled new particles discovery. Today, interest about this radiation concerns both...
The accredited contemporary theories to describe the universe are not complete or accurate to understand the structure of the universe matter and the nature of the energies. It failed to interpret many phenomena as how a particle affects another with electrical, magnetic, or gravitational force without physical contact. It does not give a meaning of how the space is curved around the stars,...
Electromagnetic properties of massive neutrinos [1,2] and their effects on neutrino oscillation phenomena are brought into focus. The searches for neutrino millicharges, charge radii and magnetic moments in astrophysics and laboratory measurements are outlined [2,3]. Prospects of probing these neutrino characteristics with JUNO are discussed.
[1] C. Giunti and A. Studenikin, *Neutrino...
In the standard model neutrinos are massless left-handed fermions which very weakly interact with matter via exchange of the W and Z0 bosons. The development of our knowledge about neutrino masses and mixing provides a basis for exploring neutrino properties and interactions beyond the standard model (BSM). In this respect, the study of nonvanishing electromagnetic characteristics of massive...
The increased demand of scientific collaborations for large quantities of enriched isotopes is a growing trend and shall be taken seriously by the global suppliers of isotope products. This trend opens up new opportunities for scientists to bring their experiments to a higher level.
Speaking of the next generation of low-background experiments it is important to focus on 3 key factors...
Horizon-T (HT) is a newly completed (Oct. 2016) innovative detector system constructed to Extensive Air Showers (EAS) in the energy range above ~10^16 eV coming from a wide range of zenith angles (0o - 80o). The system is located at Tien Shan high-altitude Science Station of Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences at approximately 3340 meters above the sea level. It...
A spectral fitter based on the graphics processor unit (GPU) has been developed for Borexino’s solar neutrino analysis. It is able to shorten the fitting time to a superior level compared to the CPU fitting procedure. In Borexino solar neutrino spectral analysis, fitting usually requires around one hour to converge since it includes time-consuming convolutions in order to account for the...
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is a neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment using high purity p-type point contact germanium detectors. The waveforms produced in these detectors exhibit subtle variations related to the detailed energy deposition and drift path information for each event. In addition, the waveforms depend sensitively on crystal impurity levels, temperature, and operating voltage....
Super-Kamiokande Gadolinium (SK-Gd) project is an upgrade proposed to the SK detector by dissolving a Gd-compound into the detector water. With this upgrade, electron antineutrino events can be efficiently identified by tagging the 8 MeV gamma cascade emitted by a neutron capture on Gd. Utilizing this technique, we are aiming to make the first observation of the supernova relic neutrinos, as...
CUORE (Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events) is an array of 988 TeO$_{2}$ bolometers arranged in 19 towers with a total active mass of 742 kg located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy. The primary purpose of CUORE is to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of $^{130}$Te, which if observed, would establish the Majorana nature of neutrinos as well...
We consider the construction of interval estimates for the parameters with one-sided constraints. We show that the so-called method of sensitivity limit yields a correct solution of the problem [1]. Derived are the solutions for the cases of a continuous distribution with non-negative estimated parameter and a discrete distribution, specifically a Poisson process with background. For both...
Tin-124 is one of the double beta decay isotopes where no measurement of the double neutrino decay rate has been performed. The abundance of the isotope is 5.79%, fairly low, however it can be compensated for by the high loading potential of the natural isotope up to 10% into liquid scintillator without light quenching. This work presents results of LAB based Tin loaded liquid scintillator...
Detection of dark matter and double beta decay are ones of the most important issues in the present astro-particle physics and reveal the history of our universe. Inorganic scintillator detector, such as NaI(Tl) scintillator, is one of the major techniques for direct dark matter search. In addition, inorganic scintillator including double beta decay isotope can be used for double beta decay...
The origin of neutrino oscillations phenomena emerges due to coherent superposition of different neutrino states. Such superposition can be destroyed by quantum decoherence that appears from entanglement of neutrino with environment. This quantum decoherence can cause suppression of different neutrino oscillations. In this work we study suppression of neutrino-antineutrino oscillations as a...
It was shown for the first time in [1] that neutrino spin (or spin-flavor) precession can be engendered not only by neutrino interaction with the transversal magnetic field but also by neutrino interaction with matter in the case when there is a transversal matter current or matter polarization. The generalized Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation [2-4] for description of the neutrino spin...
CUORE (Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events) is an array of 988 TeO2 bolometers to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay (NDBD) of 130Te. CUORE-0, the first CUORE-style detector with 1/19 of the mass was taking data from 2013 to 2015. Besides producing the world-leading 130Te NDBD half-life limits, CUORE-0 is also suitable for searching for 130Te double beta decay to...
Due to lack of event-by-event energy resolution, the nuclear recoil calibration for PICO bubble chambers is much harder than other direct detection methods. In order to overcome this innate problem of threshold detector, PICO collaboration has taken multiple set of neutron calibration data with different energy spectrum in order to unfold the true nuclear recoil efficiency. In this talk I'll...
Ultra-high-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) detections could give an indirect signal of PeV neutrino emission. Recently, Pierre Auger observatory reported the distribution of arrival directions of the highest energy cosmic rays. These events were collected in 10 years of operations with declinations between -90◦
and +45◦. The IceCube neutrino telescope reported the detection of 54 extraterrestrial...
The evidences of large amount of missing-mass (or dark matter) in the universe are multiple. The widely accepted hypothesis is, that the particles that carry the missing mass are Weakly Interacting (and) Massive Particles (WIMP). In the experimental efforts of the direct detection of WIMPs, alpha, beta and gamma radiations are the primary sources of background that experiments are continuously...
CDEX (China Dark Matter Experiment) is now upgraded to about 10Kg HPGe (High Purity Germanium) detectors and the new suitable dedicated readout electronics is on demand. The readout system is interfaced to the front preamplifiers, which has three “slow” outputs with typical 20uS shaping time and one “fast” output with typical 200nS shaping time. The 8 channels 14-Bits 100MSPS FADC and 2...
The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is a $^{76}$Ge-based neutrinoless double-beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$) experiment. Staged at the 4850’ level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility, the DEMONSTRATOR operates an array of high-purity p-type point contact Ge detectors deployed within a graded passive shield and an active muon veto system. The present work concerns the two-neutrino double-beta...
In the history of physics, ideas on space and time have changed the course of physics a number of times; this is another such event. This time, we postulate ‘space and time’ as a flow of quantum gravity energy, having the absolute velocity c (same as velocity of light), where time is the delay in the spread of space (delay from infinite velocity flow, when there would be no time), such a flow...
Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) are widely used in particle physics experiments, with noble element targets currently being used to search for neutrino-less double beta decay, look for interactions of dark matter, and characterize the properties of neutrino oscillations. In order to further improve the sensitivity of these experiments, the next generation of proposed TPC detectors will contain...
We search for CPT-violating correlations between gamma rays in the decay of ortho-positronium (o-Ps) with CALIOPE, or CPT Aberrant Leptons in o-Ps Experiment. Using a tagged source
flush against a cylindrical piece of aerogel, we generate positronium at the center of an annular array of 24 NaI(Tl) bars. We present the capabilities of the DAQ, which uses QDCs and TDCs to record the charge...
SNO+ is a multipurpose, large-scale neutrino experiment located deep underground in Sudbury, Ontario, whose aims include studies of neutrinoless double beta decay, solar neutrinos, reactor neutrinos and other more exotic physics. SNO+ is currently taking data in its initial water-fill phase, which will be used to commission upgrades to the electronics and calibration sources. During this...
The SNO+ experiment has a varied neutrino physics program that
includes a neutrino-less double beta decay experiment in addition to
reactor, solar, and geoneutrino measurements. SNO+ uses the
architecture of SNO, using an acrylic vessel filled with scintillator
as its neutrino target suspended in a water volume. At this time data
is being collected with the acrylic vessel filled with water...
The Spin Light of Neutrino (SLnu) is a magnetic moment electromagnetic radiation of a massive neutrino moving under the influence of external conditions (matter or external fields) [1]. The effect, being proportional to the second power of the neutrino magnetic moment, is very faint for the moderate neutrino energies. However it has a strong energy dependence and in the light of the recent...
T2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka) is a long-baseline accelerator neutrino experiment in Japan. The physics program is focused on the study of neutrino oscillations. For the oscillation analysis, events induced by a generated neutrino beam are measured in a set of detectors close to the beam source and compared with observations of beam-induced events in a far detector (Super-Kamiokande) at a distance of...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kt liquid scintillator detector. Its main goal is the determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy with neutrinos from two nuclear power plants at 53 km baseline. Fast and effective muon tracking is essential for the veto of atmospheric muons and the cosmogenic background they produce as well as the detection of atmospheric muon...
At the end of a massive star's life, a violent explosion known as a supernova occurs and releases 99% of the star's gravitational binding energy in the form of neutrinos. Although the explosion generates a huge burst of neutrinos, the large distance to earthbound detectors, low cross sections, and flavour changing oscillations can make detection and analysis challenging. Only one neutrino...
Euclid is an ESA mission designed to explore the dark side of the Universe and to understand the nature of the dark energy responsible for the accelerated expansion of the Universe. Its objective is to map the geometry of the dark Universe by investigating the distance-redshift relationship and the evolution of cosmic structures.
By measuring two cosmological probes simultaneously, the Weak...
The High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD) is one of the payloads of the CSES space mission. The HEPD is built by the Italian “Limadou” collaboration and has different goals. It will study the temporal stability of the inner Van Allen radiation belts, the precipitation of trapped particles in the atmosphere and the low energy component of the cosmic rays (5 - 100 MeV for electrons and 15 - 300...
The SOX (Short distance neutrino Oscillations with BoreXino) experiment aims to confirm or confute the eV mass sterile neutrino hypothesis by the standard disappearance technique and possibly by the direct observation of the oscillation pattern. Both the measurements will be performed with a very intense (5 PBq) 144Ce-144Pr antineutrino source placed under the large scale and very low...
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is under construction in Southern China which aims to measure the neutrino mass hierarchy and neutrino oscillation parameters using primarily the reactor neutrinos from two nearby nuclear power plants 53km away. JUNO’s central detector is designed to measures reactor antineutrinos via inverse beta decay with 20k tons of liquid...
I will talk about the following calculations: The mass of the core of universe: 1.44 • 10 raised to the power of 59 kg. The mass of the galaxies of universe: 1.44 • 10 raised to the power of 56 kg. The mass of the stars of universe: 8 • 10 raised to the power of 52kg. The radiating energy of the Core of Universe: 3 • 10 raised to the power of 56watt
The two neutrino double-beta decay of $^{136}$Xe, with a half-life of $2.165\pm0.016\text{(stat.)}\pm0.059\text{(syst.)}\times10^{21}$y, is among the rarest nuclear processes ever directly observed. The hypothesized neutrinoless double-beta decay of $^{136}$Xe, which nEXO aims to observe, is expected to be that much rarer, with a half-life of at least $1\times10^{26}$y at 90% C.L. Sufficient...
The PICO collaboration employs bubble chambers to search for direct interactions with dark matter particles. The operating parameters of these detectors can be tuned so that they are almost completely insensitive to gamma rays and other near-minimum-ionizing radiation that is the main background for most dark matter detectors. PICO 40, the next generation detector, will incorporate several...
The Borexino liquid scintillator neutrino observatory is set to perform the first direct, high-precision, wideband solar neutrino spectroscopy of the solar neutrino spectrum’s main components, including improving the knowledge of the CNO $\nu$ flux. Additionally, its next-generation short-baseline $^{144}$Ce-$^{144}$Pr $\overline{\nu}_e$ source program (CeSOX) intends to unambiguously measure...
The energy spectra of galactic cosmic rays carry fundamental information regarding their origin and propagation, but, near Earth, cosmic rays are significantly affected by the solar magnetic field which changes over time. The time dependence of proton and electron spectra were measured from July 2006 to December 2009 by PAMELA experiment, that is a ballooon-borne experiment collecting data...
Gravity is known to be a contracting force. But if it is a constant and absolute velocity (same as velocity of light) flow-- that creates space and time itself-- it becomes an expanding force—of course till the backup of the constant and consistent force (putting space as a flow and time as the delay in the flow from infinite value) continues. Applied this way, gravity though a contracting...
The SNO+ experiment is a large scale liquid scintillator-based experiment, adapting the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) detector located at SNOLAB, Canada. The main physics goal is to investigate the Majorana nature of neutrinos through the search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay of 130Te. The camera system of the SNO+ is designed to photograph calibration sources and triangulate...