Jul 24 – 28, 2017
Other Institutes
Canada/Eastern timezone

Data selection strategy for the solar neutrino analysis with Borexino

Not scheduled
Alumni Hall

Alumni Hall

Poster Neutrinos Poster Session


Silvia Caprioli (University of Milan and INFN)


The Borexino experiment at the INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory is following a rich solar neutrino physics program. The Borexino most recent results are the precise measurements of the $^7$Be, pep and pp solar neutrino fluxes as well as the observation of season modulation of the $^7$Be solar neutrino rate. These results were derived from the so-called Borexino Phase-II data (i.e. data collected after some intense purification campaigns in 2010-2011) and were achieved thanks to advanced data analysis techniques that allowed to maximize the signal/noise ratio.
In this contribution, we present the data selection strategy of the Borexino solar neutrino analysis: we describe how the neutrino-like scintillation events are selected according to event-based cuts which eliminate most of the external and cosmogenic backgrounds. These cuts include the definition of a fiducial volume and time-correlation techniques with the muon veto events. Moreover, the spatial distribution of events and a $\beta^{+}/\beta^{-}$ pulse shape discrimination variable are used in a multivariate fit approach to additionally constrain the residual cosmogenic $^{11}$C and external backgrounds.


Silvia Caprioli (University of Milan and INFN)


Chiara Ghiano (INFN-LNGS ) Alessandra Carlotta Re (University of Milan and INFN) Mariia Redchuck (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

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