May 26 – 31, 2024
Western University
America/Toronto timezone
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(G*) Matter-ekpyrotic bounce in Loop Quantum Cosmology

May 27, 2024, 11:45 AM
SSC Rm 2028 (cap. 135) (Social Science Centre, Western U.)

SSC Rm 2028 (cap. 135)

Social Science Centre, Western U.

Oral Competition (Graduate Student) / Compétition orale (Étudiant(e) du 2e ou 3e cycle) Theoretical Physics / Physique théorique (DTP-DPT) (DTP) M1-2 Quantum Gravity and Cosmology | Gravité quantique et cosmologie (DPT)


Mr Mateo Pascual Gomez-Cuetara


Non-perturbative quantum geometric effects in loop quantum cosmology (LQC) result in a natural bouncing scenario without any violation of energy conditions or fine tuning. In this work we study numerically an early universe scenario combining a matter-bounce with an ekpyrotic field in an LQC background setting.
We explore this unified phenomenological model for a spatially flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe in LQC filled with one scalar field mimicking dust and another scalar field with a negative exponential, ekpyrotic-like potential.
The dynamics of the homogenous background and the power spectrum of the comoving curvature perturbations are numerically analyzed with various initial conditions. By varying the initial conditions we consider different cases of dust and ekpyrotic field domination in the contracting phase. We use the dressed metric approach in LQC to numerically compute the primordial power spectrum of the comoving scalar and tensor curvature perturbations.

Keyword-1 Loop Quantum Cosmology
Keyword-2 Matter bounce
Keyword-3 Ekpyrotic


Prof. Francesca Vidotto (The University of Western Ontario) Mr Mateo Pascual Gomez-Cuetara

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