18–23 Jun 2023
University of New Brunswick
America/Halifax timezone
Welcome to the 2023 CAP Congress Program website! / Bienvenue au siteweb du programme du Congrès de l'ACP 2023!

Quantum resources in the future of quantum information

20 Jun 2023, 13:50
UNB Tilley Hall (Rm. 5 (max. 70))

UNB Tilley Hall

Rm. 5 (max. 70)

Invited Speaker / Conférencier(ère) invité(e) Symposia Day (DPE/CAP - DEP/ACP) - Q-STATE: Quantum Science, Technology, Applications, Training, and Education | Science, technologie, applications, formation et éducation quantiques (DPE/CAP) T3-8 Q-STATE: Quantum Science, Technology, Applications, Training, and Education | Science, technologie, applications, formation et éducation quantiques (DEP/ACP)


Prof. Carlo Maria Scandolo (University of Calgary)


Resource theories provide a unifying framework to characterize the usefulness of quantum objects with respect to specified tasks. In this talk I will present the main ideas, showing that such a framework is quite general, and seemingly different phenomena can be all described within it. I will also chart some promising directions for future developments in this area of quantum information.

Keyword-1 quantum
Keyword-2 technology


Prof. Carlo Maria Scandolo (University of Calgary)

Presentation materials