W-POS-F #41-56 Poster session (DCMMP) / Session d'affiches (DPMCM)
- Michel Gingras
W-POS-F #41-56 Poster session (DCMMP) / Session d'affiches (DPMCM)
- Michel Gingras
Hydrogen terminated silicon has seen a recent resurgence in popularity due to several works demonstrating its use for ultra-dense memory, atomic electronics, and quantum devices. On this surface, individual hydrogen atoms can be removed with atomic precision through STM pulses, leaving a dangling bond (DB) behind. DBs are quantum dot-like entities that can hold either 0, 1, or 2 electrons,...
Exact diagonalization is a powerful method to analyze a crystal system. In our research, we apply the exact diagonlization method on 16 site spin 1/2 Pyrochlore system. The Hamiltonian of this system can be expressed as a 65536 times 65536 matrix, then we use point group D_3 and FCC translational group to block diagonalise this matrix. Finally, we apply Lapack subroutine to get the eigenvalues...
The field of nonlinear acousto-elastic behaviour in materials such as rocks is an area of active research, applicable to phenomena such as earthquakes or material fatigue. This nonlinearity arises from the rock microstructure, notably through cracks, and appears in the form of a nonlinear relation between the stress and strain fields within the rock. We study how this nonlinearity manifests...
In the past few decades, scientists discovered that TiO2 was capable of purifying polluted water without any addition of strong oxidants. Active hydroxyl radicals can be produced through photodegradation process when TiO2 is illuminated under water, and such process is viewed as a favorable method for on-site decomposition of organic compounds. However, the main drawback of this process...
Golnaz Azodi and James Stotz
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
A piezoelectric substrate is key for generating surface acoustic waves. The high electromechanical coupling factor of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) makes it a suitable material for this purpose. Among various techniques, we use physical vapour deposition (PVD) to obtain a uniform and well-orientated film. In this study, we...
Electron spins confined to quantum dots are a promising platform for scalable quantum computation. A necessary component of such a quantum processor is a microwave magnetic field (B$_1$) that implements single-qubit gate operations via electron spin resonance. A common method for generating a B$_1$ field is to place a micro-stripline close to the device. A second method is to place a...
The superconducting order parameter of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ has again become a topic of great interest after recent NMR experiments have contradicted the once popular $p_x\pm i p_y$ spin-triplet superconducting state. We have previously explored a microscopic route to inter-orbital spin-triplet superconducting pairing with spin-orbit coupling to explain recent experimental data in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$...
Until recently, there has been a general belief that carrier doping destroys spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric materials. However, a small number of materials have been discovered in which ferroelectricity persists into the metallic state. Motivated by this, we study a theoretical model for a MOSFET-like system comprising an insulating polar cap layer and a metallic ferroelectric thin...
Advanced materials, including: superconductors, light emitting materials and battery materials, play an ever increasing role in society today. Studying these materials is key to reducing overall energy consumption for everyday technology. Soft x-rays have the ideal energy for probing the electronic properties of typical elements in these materials; x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray...
During earthquakes, the travelling speeds of seismic waves can change due to the heterogeneous nature of the earth’s crust. However, it remains an open question which factors most influence seismic wave speed changes. In this context, we use lab-scale experiments to study how heterogeneities such as cracks and ambient humidity affect the way that elastic waves interact in porous sandstone. We...
Several parallels can be drawn between the perovskite iridate Sr$_2$IrO$_4$, and the high Tc cuprates. Although the low energy spectrum of Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ includes the three t$_{2g}$ bands, strong spin-orbit coupling splits the bands such that one can write an effective one-orbital J=1/2 model, in analogy with the single orbital of the cuprates. This has led to predictions of d-wave...
Majorana zero modes (MZM) have been a focal point of the condensed matter physics
community in recent times due in part to their potential applications in quantum computation.
Most notably, the exotic exchange statistics of MZMs form the basis of
topologically protected quantum gates. The physical exchange, or braiding, of MZMs is often modeled in networks of 1D topological superconducting...
Motivated by magnetotransport experiments on magnetic topological insulators, a theoretical study of Dirac cone electrons coupled to magnetic moments has been done [1]. That work showed that the electronic response is determined by the magnetic configuration - the electronic spectrum is gapped in a region of the ferromagnetically ordered moments, but the gap vanishes at domain walls. This...
We consider the antiferromagnetic anisotropic Haldane model with large spins, in a region where a perturbative treatment is indicated. The Néel order is frustrated by periodic boundary conditions imposed on an odd-numbered chain, resulting in a highly degenerate groundspace spanned by solitons. We study the pertrubative groundstate entropy of entanglement for different scenarios, and compare...