R2-8 Backgrounds and modelling for rare event searches (PPD) / Bruit et modélisation pour la recherche d'événements rares (PPD)
- Juan-Pablo Yanez (University of Alberta)
Searching for low mass WIMPS has many challenges, the largest one being the discrimination between electron recoils and nuclear recoils within a given detector, the latter being a potential dark mater signal while the former is not. Many detectors cannot make this distinction and thus can only look so far in the low mass dark matter regime, but a new dark matter detector called the...
The spherical Proportional Counter (SPC) is used in NEWS-G to search for low-mass Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). UV laser and Ar37 calibration data was previously taken at Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM) with a 1.35m diameter SPC filled with pure CH4 gas. In order to verify our understanding of the detector behaviour and the physics model we use, a simulation of the SPC...
DEAP-3600 is a dark matter experiment which uses liquid argon to search for spin-independent interactions of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). The experiment has completed two WIMP searches using 4.44 and 231 live days with 3322 kg and 3279 kg of liquid argon, respectively. In addition to these two data sets, the detector has recorded WIMP search data from 2016-2020 and analysis of...
Contamination from radioisotopes are a major background source in rare-event experiments such as searches for dark matter and neutrinoless double beta decay searches. A common internal source of radioactive backgrounds that creates many challenges for these experiments is radon and its progeny. As a noble gas, it can easily enter the innermost part of the active target through diffusion, and...