R2-7 Data Acquisition (DAPI) / Acquisition de données (DPAI)
- Steffon Luoma
The quest to develop a fundamental understanding of the nuclear interaction is aided greatly through measurements made with complex, multi-detector systems. As these systems allow for both an increase in total efficiency due to greater angular coverage as well as correlation measurements in both time and space, the information which can be probed using these detectors is greatly increased over...
In any application where a radiation detector is utilized in a mixed radiation field, there is an inherent issue of separating the signal from the background. This research focuses on the separation of neutron and gamma-ray events in a liquid scintillator. The standard solution to this issue leverages the fact that the secondary particles generated in neutron and photon interactions are...
The versatility of gamma-ray spectroscopy has given rise to its many applications, from quantification of trace elements in a sample to maintaining nuclear material safeguards. Depending on the application and gamma-ray detector, there is often a compromise made between detection efficiency and energy resolution. While characterizing or quantifying trace radionuclide concentrations in an...
Superconducting transition-edge sensors (TESs) carried by x-ray telescopes are powerful tools for the study of neutron stars and black holes. Several methods, such as optimal filtering or principal component analysis, have already been developed to analyze x-ray data from these sensors. However, these techniques may be hard to implement in space. Our goal is to develop a...
DarkSide-20k is a planned two-phase liquid Argon time-projection-chamber (LAr-TPC) for direct WIMP search. The S1 and S2 light from the 20 ton fiducial volume is detected with Silicon photomultipliers and digitized. Due to the expected data rate of hundreds of MB/s it is impractical to record full waveform data continuously like in the smaller DarkSide-50 experiment, instead complex filtering...