R2-4 Advances in Nuclear and Particle Theory (DTP/PPD/DNP) / Avancées en physique nucléaire et physique des particules (DPT/PPD/DPN)
- Charles Gale (McGill University)
Over the last few decades, the study of nuclei and neutron-rich matter from first principles has entered a new era. This has partly been driven by the development of novel interactions between two or three nucleons. In an attempt to produce a systematic expansion, several groups have produced Effective Field Theory (EFT) interactions, whether of finite range (chiral EFT) or zero range...
Superfluid neutron matter is a key ingredient in the composition of neutron stars. The physics of the inner crust is largely dependent on that of its $S$-wave neutron superfluid which has been connected to pulsar glitches and modifications on the neutron star cooling. An accurate description of these effects calls for a model-independent treatment of neutron superfluidity. Ab initio techniques...
We present some analytic results that describe the gluon field, or glasma, that exists at very early times after a collision of relativistic heavy ions at proper time $\tau=0$. We use a Colour Glass Condensate approach, and perform an expansion in $\tau$. We show that the expansion to order $\tau^6$ can be trusted to about $\tau=0.05$ fm/c. We calculate the transverse and longitudinal...
As you know, first gravitational wave event GW150914(binary black hole) has been oberved by LIGO on Sep. 14, 2015. And most importantly, first binary neutron star coalescence event GW170817 has been observed with a signal noise ratio upto 33, which alows us to make constraints on axion field! Here, we first time use axion charged binary neutron star waveform model to give a constaint on axion field.
The existence of dark matter is ubiquitous in cosmological data, yet numerous particle detectors have been thoroughly looking for it without any success. For strongly interacting dark matter, the bounds from these experiments are actually irrelevant; as dark matter enters the atmosphere, it scatters and slows down, such that it has a much lower velocity than the detector threshold when it...
QCD sum-rule calculations contain loop-integration divergences associated with composite operators in correlation functions that must be renormalized to obtain physical predictions. The standard approach to renormalization through operator mixing can present technical challenges in situations where the basis of operators becomes large (e.g., for multi-quark operators). The BPH renormalization...